The Board of Management of Centrum Nowoczesnych Technologii S.A. based in Sosnowiec (the “CNT,” “Issuer”) announces that on 12 September 2017 the Issuer was informed by its subsidiary GET EnTra Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw (the “Subsidiary”) regarding conclusion of an annex to the framework agreement on granting bank guarantees (the “Annex”) with Bank PKO BP S.A. based in Warsaw (the “Bank”) on the same day. The Issuer informs about the conclusion of this agreement , among others, in current report No. 68/2016.
Under this Amendment both Parties extend, first of all, the duration of the framework agreement until 12 September 2018.
Additionally, the Annex specifies that that the collateral in a form of registered pledge up to the highest amount of PLN 59.5 million, established on the pecuniary receivable debt resulting from one of the sales agreements concluded by the Subsidiary and registered pledge to the highest amount of the collateral in the amount of PLN 59.5 million established on the Subsidiary’s accounts run by the Bank, replaces existing registered pledges that are abovementioned in the current report.
The amount of guarantee limit has not been changed and still amounts to PLN 35 million, with the expiry date of the limit by 12 September 2018 so as to cover Subsidiary’s liabilities resulting form:
- trade agreements for power and/or gas supply,
- agreements on property rights– certificates of origin,
- participation in auctions for the purchase of cross-border powers,
- participation in transmission of power and/or gas through the Transmission Networks Operator,
- obligation to lodge a collateral and a transaction deposit by active members of the Stock Market to the Clearing House on the Commodity or /and Financial market.
- rental agreements of office premises.
Other important terms of the agreement have not been changed.
Legal basis: Article No. 17 (1) MAR – confidential information.
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